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9 Simple ways to cope with COVID-19 stress & understand your mind set

Updated: Feb 20, 2023

Understand your state of mind to help your mental health

**We are not clinical therapist! Only experienced certified coaches who recommend ways to improve mild symptoms. Anything more than that should be discussed with a Psychologist or Dr.**

Life naturally has its challenges with ups and downs, but our Mindset ultimately can flatten the curve to be more consistent and less mentally unstable. With the struggles of Covid-19 upon us at the moment, many new issues like lockdowns, job lay offs and school closures have created an increase in mental health problems. These factors are out of our control, but the effect it creates is very difficult to ignore. Not being able to physically socialize with family and friends or even just staying busy and keeping your mind preoccupied with all the extra free time. Much of our mild symptoms of mental health is stemmed from our overall Mindset and how we approach life. The main terms we often hear about is: anxiety, depression, insomnia, bulimia. These core issues typically have some prior experiences or conditioning that leads to either of them taking place or combinations of each arising. Before getting too far let's understand what each of these terms really mean.

Anxiety is our body's natural response to stress. It's a feeling of fear or apprehension about what's to come. Our sympathetic nervous system controls the release of hormones that signals stress which turns into anxiety. Many people associate nervousness with anxiety, and usually overtakes us when an important event is coming or possibly we're trying something out for the first time. The fear of embarrassment or failure tend to heighten our anxiety. Social conditioning has created this fear because we associate much of our identity with our peers or those who we want to be like. This pressure creates unnecessary worry that we shouldn't focus on, but that's easier said than done. Society has created so many standards that can be hard to live up to, and for this reason many of us lack confidence or self-esteem which makes it even tougher to succeed. When we understand the power of our Mindset, we can take control of our perspectives and thinking patterns, which will lead to better mental stability. Remember, anxiety is natural and good! It reminds us we are mortal and need to protect ourselves at all times. Healthy anxiety is important to stay alert and safe. However, too much of anything is good for nothing...

Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how we feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. Individuals may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and sometimes people may feel as if life isn't worth living. There is a wide spectrum of this health issue, but once again if it is not a diagnosed chemical imbalance in the brain, potentially it is stemmed from past harsh experiences, grief or environmental conditioning. Which for the most part is out of our control, yet not letting it affect us is easier said than done. When we are focused too much on the past, we completely miss what's right in front of us. This misguided perspective will lead anyone into a negative place, as typically regret or pain is connected to this problem. When we understand the power of our Mindset, we can take control of our perspectives and thinking patterns, which will lead to better mental stability and direction of our focus.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which people have trouble falling and/or staying asleep. The condition can be short-term (acute) or can last a long time (chronic). It may also come and go. Acute insomnia lasts from 1 night to a few weeks. Insomnia is chronic when it happens at least 3 nights a week for 3 months or more. Now just like anxiety insomnia is connected to our sympathetic nervous system. This is due to the body not able to get out of "fight or flight" mode, which keeps adrenaline and mental stimulation on-going. Typically a person who struggles with Insomnia also struggles with elevated anxiety. It's hard for them not to be connected. However, sometimes due to life's hecticness and strenuous demands, many people can not turn off their minds and reduce the thinking or "chatter" in order to properly rest. Our parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for releasing hormones that allow for proper rest and digestion. But, many people struggle with turning it on as they may not know how to tap into it. The most effective ways are meditation, exercise, nature walks, healthy food and more! For deeper understanding and tips on this topic check out our blog "COVID & our Sympathetic Nervous System. Tune your Bodily Functions"

Bulimia nervosa, commonly called bulimia, is a serious, potentially life-threatening eating disorder. People with bulimia may secretly binge — eating large amounts of food with a loss of control over the eating — and then purge, trying to get rid of the extra calories in an unhealthy way. This issue definitely is created by society's standards of beauty and attraction. Unfortunately, the world is very competitive and many individuals get caught in the trap of wanting to compare and compete with high standards that frankly even the people who are shown as the golden examples don't even live up too. Majority of beauty and fashion magazines or publications are photoshopped and highly edited just to sell more copies for monetary goals. The idea of perfection is very skewed and all subjective. If we control our Mindset, we will stay focused on the right aspects of life and our perspectives will be directed towards positivity and healthy growth. Changing the Mindset will directly affect falling into this trap of an unhealthy eating disorder.

On my own life journey, I have experienced and been medicated for anxiety, depression and insomnia; and at one point to the brink of the extreme that forced me into a mental health ward for 30 days. But, it was actually the best thing for me. because it was the "pull back on the arrow, before getting sling shotted forward" It was a necessary part for my growth and forward development, and I wouldn't change the experience because it made me become who I am today. A strong passionate individual set out to teach and guide others from my mistakes and using techniques that helped me conquer my mental health. The issues noticeably appeared when I had a tough time coping with sport injuries and failures from putting all my eggs in one basket and none of them hatching. This led me into a rabbit hole of negativity. I had put over 15 years of work into creating a dream of being an MLB baseball player, and had some promising success. I was fortunate enough to be drafted 3 times by major league clubs and competed at a NCAA DIV 1 University. But, in the process of pursuing professional sports I lost sight of my true purpose, and allowed my Mindset to be affected consequently.

I became very result based, always focused on the future, and became VERY harsh on myself. These all combined created lots of anger and many emotional rollercoaster days that created a bigger tole of stress and negativity. It's all a butterfly effect. Which made me not the best teammate at times and very moody when I failed because I knew I could have performed better, but I was not in control of my Mindset and just figured it will all take care of its self. But, that wasn't the case. I was told by many coaches and heard it from so many people along the way to just "fake it until you make it". Probably some of the WORST advice I was ever given. Why? because it made me try to be a copy cat and just keep working on the physical aspects of my performance without paying more attention to my mental health. Of course as athletes we do physical conditioning for mental toughness, and coaches talk about routine and process to be in the moment, but it's mostly talk and not much of them lead by example, it's up to us to figure out. Physical conditioning can't give you positive self-esteem or confidence. It can only remind you that your body can endure more pain and stress than we realized.

To make a long story short, my experiences taught me to be much more conscious of enjoying the process and controlling what I can control. Staying positive, having fun, and being present in the moment. Not letting success go to my head or failure go to my heart. Doing things for others and being a better teammate by removing my ego and embracing the bigger picture. Seeing that all my mental health issues were partially from environmental conditioning, but mostly from my lack of care towards my Mindset.

Now that we have a deeper understanding of what each term entails, and a little background of my experiences with each, let's dive deeper into ways to improve and overcome these struggles that many of us are going thru or have experienced.

man with covid protection mask on face. how our mindset helps manage our mental health and fight the stress for the covid 19 lockdowns

9 Simple Ways to Improve our Mental Health

1) Meditation/ Yoga

Meditation is known to involve proven calming breathing techniques, that turn on our parasympathetic nervous system, and get the ball rolling in relaxing and reaching deep tranquility. Due to the brain waves turned on by meditation, it creates opportunity for healing, digestion and rejuvenation. Meditation is key for slowing our thought process down or "chatter" which eases stress and tension in the mind and body. Just 10 minutes a day can be truly remarkable as it brings us back into the present and when properly done it allows the brain to release good endorphins, that will boost our mood and bodily functions. Check out our past blog that dives deeper into "Why meditation is important, and brain waves that we can tap into"

2) Journaling

This is very important for creating a visual awareness of our daily routine, and can be a outlet for letting go of emotions. Writing down anything gives it much more power to truly manifest, but as well, gives the ability to release negative emotions instead of holding them in. Always better out then in, because eventually it can be overwhelming if not. However, on the positive side, it is a way to keep track of diet, exercise, mood, gratitude's, habits and more. Being able to visualize and see the progress taking place is definitely a boost in staying on track and manifesting positive results. A great way action to add into your routine is everyday reflect/meditate for 5-15 minutes, then journal 1 gratitude, 1 goal for the day and 1 habit to improve upon. This consistently will start the day on the right foot, and bring about more consciousness in your life. Being grateful creates a perspective of positivity, having a goal creates drive and determination to seize the day, and acknowledging 1 habit, allows for improvement towards anything hindering your growth.

3) Getting out in nature

Nature has the ability to de-stress and "ground-out" negative energy as its designed for it. It is proven that walking barefoot or being connected to the earth without something disturbing the energy, will decrease anxiety and stress. This is because the earth has a grounding effect, and we tend to be charged up with negative ions. These come from built up static electricity or technological devices. When we touch the earth, it completely removes our stored up negative energies that may be causing over stimulation or feelings of unease. Many people enjoy camping because the benefits from "unplugging" and getting away from so much radio waves, wifi waves and much more radiation, eases the brain and allows for a deeper sense of relaxation. My experiences of camping have been very "refreshing" and rewarding for improving my aura. Another part of nature is fresh air and the SUN. The natural radiation from the sun boosts our immune system thru Vitamin D, but as well give prana energy to us that fuels our soul. Hence why a cloudy day feels dreary and lazy compared to a bright sunny day that feels uplifting and energetic.

4) Reading books

Books are an amazing tool for learning and thinking differently. When we see things thru someone else's perspective, it can create new ideas for how we approach whatever the topic may be. Understanding we will never know everything, but staying on the pursuit to maintain a growth Mindset will continuously create more and more success. Reading 10-15 pages a day can go a long way in helping create more stillness in the body & mind each day, plus helps develop patience. Reading is a great de-stressor that can turn off the mind from whatever it's thinking about and allow for better relaxation. Often people read before bed, as it winds down the mind and preps the body for rest.

5) Exercise

Exercise naturally releases good endorphins and boost immune system functions. Cardiovascular health is vital for maximal physical ability and helps keep muscles and bones strong. Fitness allows for a release of stress as any unwanted emotions can be let go by moving weights or doing cardio. Many people associate exercise to a mental health booster because of the natural benefits, but as well the stress relief it creates. Enjoying some form of workout everyday or at least 3x a week will definitely create more benefits than just aesthetics or fitness capacity. It creates a routine for uplifting the mind and body.

Natural organic whole foods are packed with the most nutrients that provide energy and enzymes that create a good "Gut health". Our Gut is connected to our brain as serotonin is the hormone released when our Gut is happy. Eating the right foods releases more serotonin which uplifts our mood and physical abilities because of it. When we eat the correct rainbow of fruits and veggies, we intake vitamins and minerals that are vital for bodily function and assisting in breaking down our big nutrients: fat, carbs, and protein. In the synthesis of our macronutrients we want to uptake as much of each as we can, because this will ensure our meals are efficient and we will remain full for longer periods. Higher metabolisms will speed up this process, but we should be able to remain satisfied for at least 3-5 hours before hunger hits. If our gut health is off, it will create mood swings and heightened times of cravings. Mental health is deeply connected to our food, because hunger or indigestion can create anger or pain.

7) De-stressor hobbies

Hobbies are great for distracting the mind and focusing on something else that we enjoy. This could be arts, music, crafts, games, or anything that suits your nature. But, the power of a hobby is amazing. Many of us have stressful careers that sometimes can be overwhelming. Having a go to hobby that tunes out all the noise or stress and just allows for some peace and tranquility is very necessary. Being able to share a laugh with family or friends, or just be in complete silence for the time being is all a part of relaxing and boosting our mental health. We take for granted doing the things we enjoy, but try your best to schedule time into your routine for those activities. For me I enjoy playing guitar or producing music as it creates joy of playing along with my favorite songs, or creating something new. Music is my hobby and I hope you find yours too!

8) Positive support team

For the most part it is always better to do things with others. Having a team that builds you up and supports you in tough times is definitely helpful in staying positive and maintaining focus on our bigger goals. We as humans are meant to be social creatures, so our psyche and mental health are deeply connected to our social relationships. If we have positive people around us, then we will be more inclined to be positive. And vice-versa if we have negative people around us we will be more incline to be negative. Your tribe is your vibe. It doesn't have to be many individuals as typically we may only have 1 or 2 close friends that really look out for our best interests. But, having a few upbeat sound individuals will be beneficial for maintaining positive mental health.

9) Consistent preparation and planning

To reduce anxiety or stress, take more time to prepare and thoroughly create plans that set you up for success. A big reason why we give ourselves more anxiety is due to the uncertainty of what's to come next. Creating a thought out plan allows for more efficient behaviors and more effective actions. Reduce time and effort by creating a smooth routine that helps keep you positive and relaxed. Unexpected things will happen, but having the right preparation in place will allow for smooth adjustments and quicker adaptations to ensure positive outcomes. Failing to prepare, is preparing to fail. Take pride in the preparation so you can live and work smoother.

These 9 ways to boost our mental health are definitely key components of how I enhanced my mental health to a better place and am consistently able to maintain that positive lifestyle. In our Mindset system we apply these techniques and much more t our clients as they are proven to be successful. It takes time and effort for a smooth routine to become second nature. But, if you are willing to consistently try and keeping putting forth the effort, you will definitely see RESULTS! Level 1 of our M!NDSET CHALLENGE applies much of these techniques and is guaranteed to boost your mental health. The key is how willing you are to try something new and stick with it. If I would have known these things when I was going thru my sports career, maybe things could have turned out differently. So to save you time and agony, learn from my experience and knowledge and try out these techniques. The release of our MINDSET APP is here on iOS and Android and it has everything you need and more to thrive and level up your life!

Hopefully, this could give you more insight on the deep connection between our Mindset and our mental health, in hope that working on these aspects will give your life a boost or turn for the better. Life is a journey and always a process. But, find the ways that keep you positive and grateful to seize another day. Challenges and stress will always come our way, but how we handle it and control what we can control will ultimately dictate how we manage our health. Focus on the 10% we can control and watch the 90% manifest in your favor. More more about self-control check out our blog "Importance of Self-Control. 15 ways to Develop a Stronger Mindset"

Stay strong...Stay healthy...Stay consistent & Keep developing yourself

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